Monday, March 9, 2020

3rd Quarter Submission

This is our new revised film. In this remake we had about three revisions. Our first revision was the music in the drone shot and adding the credits to the in the same shot. So, we redid the music in this
shot because the music we had before did not match the theme and feel of the film, instead we added a less upbeat song to a low beat song.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3rd Revision

For our third revision we added a new scene. After Mia (Hope) is done writing in her journal about how she hates her life is the new scene. In this scene we printed out a picture of Mia's parents. She pulls the picture out from her table and rips it up and the screen fades to black. We did this because it gives a cool dramatic ending with the cut to black, also it looks professional which also adds to the feel of the film. 

2nd Revision

For our second revision we added a shot and re-did the shot of Mia (Hope) walking into her room after she came home from school. We added an insert shot of Mia leaning on her door to add the dramatic effect of what Mia was going through and how stressed she felt. Right after Mia opens her door to walk into her room this shot is added and cuts back to when she sets her things on the bed.

1st revision

For our first revision we re-shot the scene of Mia (Hope) writing in her journal. We re-did this shot because the shot before was very plain. With the redo we added a small pan camera from the notebook back up to an over shoulder shot. With this the shot looks less messy and cleaner. 

Distribution Plan

For my film i plan to distribute in different forms that i researched. The films i researched are larger films and have more popularity. I can utilize using phrases or quotes that relate to my movie and give hints to what it's about. A phrase i made was "hiding on the inside". This gives of the idea my film will be about a person who may seriously be hiding on the inside from the outside world, because if personal problems. Another one of the films i researched launched it's film at a film festival, that is a good idea but i could launch my film through social media platforms. Instagram and Facebook have lots of users and i could launch advertisements for my film to get the word out to the public. Lastly i could commercially advertise it on websites. All these different ways of distribution will help set my film.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Distribution Research- Me Without You

This is a film about two best friends Marina and Holly as their friendship becomes toxic when they grow up. This relates to my film because just as in this film both relationships in the film are toxic and not healthy. This film was commercially released in 2001. This was a British film so it was more popular in the UK. The film covers the times of 1973 to 2001. This film probably has a more adult audience than children audience. I can use the tactics of distribution used in this in my film by setting up a commercial for my film either online or social media platforms.
Image result for how was the film me without you distributed

Final Submission

Along the way many revisions were made in between filming. Overall there wasn't any more necessary editing needed for my film but if cir...