Thursday, April 16, 2020

CCR Question #4

In my film I used my phone to edit. On an app called "Splice" i had easy access to crop shots and add in sound effects. One of the sound effects i used was a car driving by, it wasn't a big thing in the film but, a small sound effect to sound realistic. These factors contributed to making my film. I also used different font for the title and actors names. The font i used for the title fit the theme of the film. We used Hope's Iphone 7 to film the scenes and we edited the camera setting like the exposure and AE/AF Lock to keep the film more professional looking. Then she airdropped them to edit the film on my phone. Hope and I decided to not use any filters because it would keep the film real looking. We worked together to use as many technology resources.

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Final Submission

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