Thursday, April 30, 2020

Final Submission

Along the way many revisions were made in between filming. Overall there wasn't any more necessary editing needed for my film but if circumstances were different with COVID-19 i would add some changes. I edited my film on an app, if we were still in school i would have tried editing in adobe because it is more accessible. I wanted to edit the music because it was from the app and wasn't the best. However this is my film, Trapped.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

CCR Question #4

In my film I used my phone to edit. On an app called "Splice" i had easy access to crop shots and add in sound effects. One of the sound effects i used was a car driving by, it wasn't a big thing in the film but, a small sound effect to sound realistic. These factors contributed to making my film. I also used different font for the title and actors names. The font i used for the title fit the theme of the film. We used Hope's Iphone 7 to film the scenes and we edited the camera setting like the exposure and AE/AF Lock to keep the film more professional looking. Then she airdropped them to edit the film on my phone. Hope and I decided to not use any filters because it would keep the film real looking. We worked together to use as many technology resources.

CCR Question #3

My production skills have improved in different areas. One of those being editing. I used to edit videos but, in making this film i learned different tips and new ways to edit. I've learned about the different angles and shots when filming and how my audience views it. Since the beginning i learned how to use vocabulary that fits in filming as well. I've also learned a lot about film distribution, both physically and digitally. In general since the beginning I've learned new skills in writing, filming, and understanding the film itself which is really important.

Friday, April 10, 2020

CCR Question #2 Draft

In my audience engagement i learned how to draw the right audience to a film. Each film has its own audience engagement and based on that you make the film. My marketing plan includes sharing my film through social media, through apps such as snapchat, instagram and facebook. This plan will easily draw my target audience which is really everyone. These platforms are already used daily by adults and teens. In my distribution research i learned about many ways to distribute my product. One smart way is in musicals, you can draw your audience by creating a hit song that connects to the film. By taking advantage of digital platforms i could have my film be on netflix, itunes or even youtube.

CCR Question #1 Draft

In my product my main convention would be my social group. In my film the social group represented is more lower class, in the film the actor suffers from family issues. On top of that i like my title as one of the conventions. The title gives the film idea away but its still subtle and on topic. I used a lot of camera convention such as over- the shoulder shots and short takes that i put together to guide the film. Another convention i used was music. The music i used tied into the genre and mood of the film. This movie relates to people around the world because some people live like this and its hard. The social group represented is divorced families and the struggles they face.

Monday, March 9, 2020

3rd Quarter Submission

This is our new revised film. In this remake we had about three revisions. Our first revision was the music in the drone shot and adding the credits to the in the same shot. So, we redid the music in this
shot because the music we had before did not match the theme and feel of the film, instead we added a less upbeat song to a low beat song.

Final Submission

Along the way many revisions were made in between filming. Overall there wasn't any more necessary editing needed for my film but if cir...